It is the aim of this website to make available in on-line form the published works of Paul C. Vitz, Professor of Psychology at New York University, which address aspects of a Christianized psychology, that is, the integration of the two disciplines. In addition, the website will provide analyses of various contemporary issues in the light of Christian thought, e.g., textbooks, the future of universities, the directions of contemporary art and culture, and other topics.
Biographical data about Dr. Vitz.
AVAILABLE TITLES Books: • Sigmund Freud’s Christian Unconscious.
You may purchase copies of this book by sending a check to: Paul C. Vitz, 110 Bleecker Street #23A, New York, NY 10012. The price is US$16 for hardcover and US$12 for paperback, postpaid in the USA. For overseas orders, please add US$2. A currency converter is available. Articles: • The Father Almighty, Maker of Male &
Female, Touchstone, vol.
xiv, no. 1,
• Support from Psychology for the Fatherhood
of God, Homiletic
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